Internet Technology Expert with deep expertise in Cloud and Web Based Services, Software and Data Application Development, Databases, System Automation, and Network, Support, and Performance Optimization. A Team Leader with an ability to communicate business-aligned strategies with multiple vendors and collaborate with stakeholders at all levels to shape advanced solution roadmaps.
Technology Leadership Highlights:
- Technology Driven Process Design and Automation
- Cloud Migrations, Stack Creation & Support, Data Center Migrations & Optimization
- API Development, Integration, and Support
- Full life-cycle of Software Development, Software Product Ownership, and Support
- IT Operations, IT Infrastructure Management, and IT Administration
- Technical Training, Documentation, Mentoring, and Team Building
Technologies & Key Terms:
- Unix, Linux, Windows, Cloud (Amazon, Azure, Google, Digital Ocean, IBM, Private, Government Cloud), Virtualized, Serverless and Container Platforms and Microservices
- Java, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, Perl, CGI, XML, JSON, Bash, Crontab, Selenium, Docker, Ruby, Rails, GitHub, Nodejs, React, Python, Maven
- Open Source, Apache Software Foundation, Hortonworks, Cloudera, Hadoop HDP, HDF, HDFS, CDP, CDH, CDF, CDE, CML, Ambari, NiFi, NiFi Registry, MiNiFi, Hive, HBase, Zeppelin, Kafka, Kudu, Ranger, Oozie, Sqoop, Schema Registry, Hue, Flink, Knox, Metron, Parquet, Maven, Apache, Ozone, Iceberg, Flink
- Open Source Cassandra, Datastax Enterprise, Astra, NoSqlBench, Stargate, Ansible, Kubernetes, K8ssandra, K8s, K3ds, Graph, GraphQL
- SQL Server, MySQL, Mariadb, MongoDb, Oracle, NoSql, Cql, Postgres, Neo4j, Orientdb, ArangoDb
- ElasticSearch, Kibana, Logstash, Filebeat, Metricbeat, WinLogbeat, Packetbeat
- Security, Cyber Security, PCI Compliance, SSL, SSL Certificates, Active Directory, LDAP, Kerberos, Data Governance
- API, BPM, EAI, ETL, ERP, EHR, EMR, HIT, CMS, CRM, e-Commerce, POS, SOA, SaaS, Sas, Iaas, Laas, Paas, DBaaS