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NiFi 2.0 is getting closer and closer to a reality as we approach the end of 2023. Version 2.0.0-M1 was released November 25, 2023 and is the first milestone version of Apache NiFi 2.0.0. This version includes over 900 issues resolved, with new features, numerous improvements, and bug fixes.

Features I am hearing the most about already in the community are:

  1. Initial version of native Python API for Processors
  2. Stateless Execution mode for Process Groups
  3. Kubernetes-based Leader Election and State Management extensions
  4. Python-based Processors for interacting with ChatGPT and Vector Databases

To prepare for NiFi Adoption be sure to give a read of Pierre Villard’s blog Getting Ready for NiFi 2.0.

Please refer to the Deprecated Components and Features documentation for items removed in this version.

Migrating Deprecated Components and Features for 2.0.0 includes current progress on the steps necesary for migrating certain components and features.

Release Notes

Migration Guidance


