1 minute read

In my previous post Cloudera SQL Stream Builder Multiple Project Repo I described how I was able to create a separate folder in the project repo to use for a cloud deployment. That worked great, but I am more happy to report that I was able to remove all the differences so another project folder is not needed. The SSB-Iceberg-Demo project will now import into any SQL Stream Builder on Private Cloud or Public cloud and not require any modifications to the sample jobs.

A few things to note when deploying on CDP Public Cloud

  1. You need 2 Data Hubs: Streaming Analytics Light Duty with Apache Flink & Streams Messaging Light Duty: Apache Kafka, Schema Registry, Streams Messaging Manager, Streams Replication Manager, Cruise Control
  2. There are differences in the nifi flow. Those differences are the addition of a Default SSL Context Service. For my testing I created a DataFlow catalog flow SSB-Iceberg-Demo. You can deploy the flow in DataFlow, in DataHub, or any other nifi.
  3. You can easily complete the keytab setup with your username and password. Downloading, uploading keytab not required.
  4. You will need to make a Kafa Data Source against your Kafka Data Hub. You just need your brokers.
  5. CDP PC will auto discover your environment’s services. Check out the Data Hub Service Discovery.
Data Hub Service Discovery

Check out Streaming SQL Console

CDP Public Cloud SSB

As always, check out the docs:

Cloudera Streaming Analytics DOCS